The day of Eleanor's death
By 28 November 1290 Eleanor had been ill at Harby, just outside Lincoln, for over a week. All about her knew that death was close. The...

Eleanor's birthday? ... and other Castilian anniversaries today
23 November is my best guess for Eleanor's birthday in 1241. There is no way that we can be certain about the date, but given that her...

For Grimsby fans!
I promised a dear friend of mine, a great fan of her home town of Grimsby, that I would explain Eleanor's links to the area - and today I...

Eleanor, the New Forest and Southampton
Today, to celebrate the sixteenth birthday of my amazing goddaughter Imogen, I'm going to focus on Eleanor's tie to the area where she...

Eleanor and the luxury Hotel and Spa
Yes, you did read the title correctly! For the next step in my geographical tour of Eleanor-related sites, I am stopping off at...

Eleanor and the fairy-tale castle
Back to the geographical theme - today it is time to celebrate Eleanor's involvement with Leeds Castle, surely one of the loveliest in...

Two very bad Septembers: 1264 and 1265
I'm interrupting my geographical tour to mark two losses which Eleanor suffered in the early days of two successive Septembers. The first...

Some details on Eleanor's properties - Part 1
In the run-up to publication, I've decided to highlight some of the places associated with Eleanor. I'll be covering places like Leeds...

The tragic 19 August 1284
On 19 August 1284 Edward I and Eleanor of Castile were at the emerging castle of Caernarfon, doubtless celebrating the tenth anniversary...
7 August - a birthday post
7 August 2014 marks two birthdays. For the purposes of this website the emphasis must be on Elizabeth of Rhuddlan, born amid the dual...